Day 4
Boxer Step

Boxer step is a low-impact form of footwork used a lot by boxers, hence the name. Here, the jump shifts their bodyweight from foot to foot rather than bounding or stepping.

Quick Facts

Skill type: Footwork
Difficulty: 🌶🌶
Prerequisite(s): Single Bounce
Time needed: ⏱⏱⏱
Rest day suitable: ✅

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With your hands in pocket position, gently shift your bodyweight from foot to foot as you turn the rope. Without the rope, start with one heel raised and the other planted flat, and switch back and forth transferring your bodyweight from the ball of one foot to the other. Stay light on your feet, the goal here is to move with the least amount of effort required. Once you're comfortable with this, add the rope and aim to only jump 1-2" from the ground enough to allow the rope to pass under your feet.


This is arguably the most efficient footwork in jump rope, and will enable you to jump rope for a much longer period of time by preventing your calf muscles from fatiguing as fast as they would in a basic single bounce or in alternating step.

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