Day 18
Swing 180

Swing 180 is where you perform a Swing and turn your body 180º towards the side you're swinging on to transition from jumping forwards to jumping backwards.

Quick Facts

Skill type: Direction Change
Difficulty: 🌶🌶
Prerequisite(s): Swing to Open, Forward Straddle
Time needed: ⏱⏱
Rest day suitable: ✅

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Starting with the rope behind you, pull it up and over your head and jump an Open. Land the Open in a forward straddle, placing your left foot ahead of your right foot. Next, perform a right Swing (placing your left wrist over your right wrist to create a crossed loop) and at the exact moment the rope passes your feet, jump and turn 180º to your right (toward the Swing) and land facing fully the other way with your feet together. After you've turned, use the momentum of the Swing to draw a straight line out in front of and away from you and pull the rope over your head into a backwards Open and jump the rope.

In short, the footwork will be - together, forward straddle, turn together, together.


There are two foundational ways we can transition between jumping forwards and jumping backwards. Turning can be learned without jumping whatsoever, making it especially good for beginners who want to explore more jump rope skills.

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