
Rockers are a type of advanced cross where the jumper performs a leg cross, such as a Toad, and then jumps consecutive Toads holding that cross, whilst alternating which leg they jump on. The back-and-forth movement of the body makes the jumper appear to be rocking on the spot, hence the skill name.


Coach Chris’s Top Tips TO DO

✅ Step over the rope with the leg you would’ve jumped on
✅ Wait for the rope to pass over your head in front of you before exiting
✅ Try your best to keep the rope travelling vertical at all times
‼️ Avoid letting the rope touch your legs as it passes in between them
‼️ Avoid letting your unrestricted hand pass over your head


 In this guide:

Toad Rocker
Inverse Toad Rocker
Leg Over Rocker
Elephant Rocker
T-Toad Rocker
EB Toad Rocker
Toad Gogo Rocker
Inverse Toad Gogo Rocker