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Body Crosses

Body crosses are skills where one or both hands cross around the jumper’s torso. Learn more.


AS Combo 2
Backwards Swing / Cross / Stall / Forwards AS

Mic Combo 8
Mic Release / Cross (catch) / Switch Cross / Open, Cross (double)

Turn Combo 2
180 Swing / Backwards Toad / Crossed Texan 180 / Open

See all 78 combos


EB Combo 3
Mic Release / Swing / EB 180 to Backwards EB

Floater Combo 2
Swing / EB Toad / Floater / EB / Eb Swing / Open

Nate K-G Combo 72
Swing / cross / Switch Cross / Swing / EB / Swing / Cross

See all 29 combos

Dive EB

TS Combo 3
Dive EB / EB Gogo Swing / EB Swing / TS

Stall Combo 7
Mic / Stall / Backwards Leg Hook / Stall / Forwards Dive EB / EB Swing / Open

Nate K-G Combo 20
Swing / Cross / Step Through Stall / Dive EB 180 / Backwards Open / Swing 180 / Cross

See all 10 combos


TS Combo 2
TS / TS 180 / Backwards Open

TS Combo 4
Swing / EB Toad / EB Swing / TS

Nate K-G Combo 1
TS / EB Wrap / Unwrap 180 / Texan 180, Open (double)

See all 11 combos


Leg Crosses

Leg crosses are skills where one or both hands cross under the jumper’s legs whilst jumping upright with one leg off the floor. Learn more.


Turn Combo 2
180 Swing / Backwards Toad / Crossed Texan 180 / Open

Caboose Combo 1
Toad / Caboose / Backwards Toad

Floater Combo 1
Toad / Floater / Cross

See all 49 combos

Leg Over

Floater Combo 4
Leg Over / Floater / Leg Over (over the top placement) / Swing / Swing

Leg Over Combo 1
Swing / Leg Over / Swing / Leg Over / Cross

Mic Combo 3
Leg Over / Mic Release (in the Leg Over placement) / Open

See all 37 combos

Inverse Toad

Inverse Toad Combo 4
Swing / Inverse Toad / CL

Turn Combo 5
Swing / EB Wrap / Unwrap 180 / Backwards Inverse Toad

Nate K-G Combo 7
Backwards Leg Hook / Stall / Forwards Inverse Toad

See all 17 combos

Inverse Leg Over

Mic Combo 11
Inverse Leg Over / Mic Release (holding I-Leg Over placement) / Leg Over (catch) / Toad (same leg) / Step-Through Mic Release

Nate K-G Combo 69
Leg Hook 360 / Open / Inverse Leg Over / Cross

Nate K-G Combo 71
Cross / Switch Cross / Inverse Leg Over / Cross / Switch Cross

See all 5 combos


Inverse Toad Combo 5
Inverse Toad / Inverse Toad Gogo / Elephant

Inverse Toad Combo 6
Inverse Toad / Inverse Toad Swing / Elephant / Inverse Toad Swing / Inverse Toad

Nate K-G Combo 67
Elephant / AS-Weave (AS + Elephant)

See all 10 combos

EB Toad

Floater Combo 2
Swing / EB Toad / Floater / EB / EB Swing / Open

TS Combo 4
Swing / EB Toad / EB Swing / TS

Nate K-G Combo 4
Toad / Toad Wrap / Unwrap Swing / Toad Swing / EB Toad / EB Swing / Open

See all 12 combos


Nate K-G Combo 9
Swing / Arm Wrap / Unwrap Swing / Toad / Open / Swing / Arm Wrap / Unwrap Swing / T-Toad / Swing / Cross / Open

Nate K-G Combo 11
Swing / T-Toad / Switch Toad / Open

Nate K-G Combo 75
Open (single leg) / Open, Open (single leg double) / Toad / Leg Over (same leg) / T-Toad / Caboose / Backwards Open

See all 4 combos

Leg Hook

AS Combo 5
Backwards Leg Hook / Stall / AS

Mic Combo 14
Backwards Mic Release / Backwards Leg Hook / Stall / Forwards Open

Turn Combo 6
Leg Hook 360 / AS

See all 14 combos

Awesome Annie

Leg Over Combo 5
Awesome Annie / Ground Awesome Annie (double)

Mic Combo 13
Same-Side Release (behind the back) / Mamba / Leg Over (catch) / Awesome Annie

Nate K-G Combo 3
Awesome Annie / Mic Release (in the Leg Over placement) / Leg Over (catch) / Awesome Annie

See all 22 combos


Ground Crosses

Ground crosses are skills where one of both hands cross around the jumper’s knees with both feet on the floor. Learn more.


AS Combo 5
Backwards Leg Hook / Stall / Forwards AS

Turn Combo 6
Leg Hook 360 / AS

Nate K-G Combo 67
Elephant / AS-Weave (AS+Elephant)

See all 12 combos


Caboose Combo 1
Toad / Caboose / Backwards Toad

Floater Combo 5
Corss / Floater (double) / Caboose

Nate K-G Combo 31
Leg Over / Caboose (Open) / Backwards Leg Over / Backwards Open

See all 15 combos


Inverse Toad Combo 4
Swing / Inverse Toad / CL

Awesome Annie Combo 4
Open, Leg Over (double) / Awesome Annie to Toad / CL

CL Combo 7
CL / 180 Swing Behind Back / Backwards Toad

See all 11 combos


Other Crosses

These skills are more advanced types of crosses which encorporate one or several body, leg or ground crosses.

Switch Cross

Switch Cross Combo 5
Backwards Toad / Backwards Switch Cross

Mic Combo 8
Mic Release / Cross (catch) / Switch Cross / Open, Cross (double)

Nate K-G Combo 53
Cross / Switch Cross / Switch Cross / Open

See all 17 combos

Gogo Cross

Inverse Toad Combo 5
Inverse Toad / Inverse Toad Gogo / Elephant

Swings Combo 5
Inverse Toad Swing / Inverse Toad Gogo Swing / Toad Swing / Swing / Toe Catch

TS Combo 3
Dive EB / EB Gogo Swing / EB Swing / TS

See all 10 combos



Side swings are skills where both hands swing the rope past the jumper’s side. Learn more.

Side Swing

Inverse Toad Combo 6
Inverse Toad / Inverse Toad Swing / Elephant / Inverse Toad Swing / Inverse Toad

Swings Combo 3
Toad Swing / EB Swing / Inverse Toad Swing / Swing / EB Swing / Toe Catch

Nate K-G Combo 36
Swing / EB / Swing 180 / Backwards Cross / Swing 180 / Forwards Cross

See all 55 combos

EB Swing

EB Combo 6
Backwards Swing / Backwards EB / Backwards EB Swing / Mic Release / 180 to Forwards Open

TS Combo 4
Swing / EB Toad / EB Swing / TS

Wraps Combo 3
Backwards EB Swing / Backwards EB Wrap / 180 to EB Unwrap / Forwards Open

See all 20 combos

Texan Swing

Turn Combo 2
180 Swing / Backwards Toad / Crossed Texan 180 / Open

Nate K-G Combo 1
TS / EB Wrap / Unwrap 180 / Texan 180, Open (double)

Nate K-G Combo 74
Cross / Switch Cross / Cross Texan 360 / Cross

See all 15 combos


Other Skills

These are skills which involve a body manipulation such as footwork or a toe catch.


Nate K-G Combo 18
EB2 / EB2 (on right foot) / EB2 (on left foot) / EB2 (alternating step)

Nate K-G Combo 22
Swing / Cross / Swing / EB / Swing, Cross (double) / Swing, EB (double) / Front Toe Tap / Side Toe Tap / Back Toe Tap / Leg Kick + Toad

Nate K-G Combo 60
(All holding a Cross) / Right Leg Jump / Right Leg Jump / Left Leg Jump / Left Jump / Straddle / Single Bounce (Open)

See all 13 combos

Rope Catch

Catch Combo 4
Backwards Swing, Cross (double) / LeeMan Catch / Cross, Open (double) / Swing, Open (double)

Swings Combo 8
Swing / EB Wrap / EB Unwrap / EB Toe Catch

Nate K-G Combo 23
Open, Open (double) / Toe Catch Mid-Air

See all 9 combos

Push Up

Nate K-G Combo 30
Basic Push Up / Open to Stall / Backwards Toad / Backwards Toad / Backwards Open / Backwards Toad (other side) / Backwards Open

Nate K-G Combo 34
One-Handed Basic Push Up / Cross / One-Hand Basic Push Up (other side) / Cross

Nate K-G Combo 68
Inverse Leg Over / Cross / Push Up Pull Through

See all 4 combos


AS Combo 6
Step-Through Mic Release / AS

Wrap Combo 5
Swing / Arm Wrap / Unwrap Swing / Crossed Step-Through / Swing / Open

Nate K-G Combo 65
Backwards Step-Through / Arm Wrap / 180 to Unwrap

See all 16 combos


Double Unders

Doubles are skills where a jumper completes two revolutions of the rope in a single bound. Learn more.

Open, Open

Doubles Combo 1
Open, Open / Open, Cross / Cross, Cross / Cross, Open / Swing, Cross (left) / Swing, Cross (right)

Floater Combo 3
Leg Over / Floater / Open, Open (double)

Stall Combo 1
Open, Open (double) / Stall, Backwards Open (double) / Backwards Open, Cross (double)

See all 25 combos

Swing, Open

Catch Combo 3
Swing / EB / Mic Release / Foot Catch / Backwards Swing, Cross (double) / Swing, Open (double)

Turn Combo 4
Swing, Open (double) / Swing 180, Backwards Open (double) / Texan 180, Open (double)

Nate K-G Combo 47
Swing, Open (double) / Swing, Open (double) / Open, Open (double) / Swing, Cross (double) / Swing, Cross (double) / Cross, Cross (double)

See all 10 combos

Swing, Cross

EB Combo 1
Swing / EB / Swing / Cross / Swing, EB (double) / Swing, Cross (double) / Open

Mic Combo 9
Swing / EB / EB Wrap / Unwrap Swing / Mic Release / Swing / EB / Swing, Cross (double) / Swing, EB (double)

Nate K-G Combo 22
wing / Cross / Swing / EB / Swing, Cross (double) / Swing, EB (double) / Front Toe Tap / Side Toe Tap / Back Toe Tap / Leg Kick + Toad

See all 12 combos

Open, Cross

Mic Combo 1
Mic Release / Open, Cross (double)

Turn Combo 7
Swing 360 / Straddle Stall / Backwards Texan 180 / Forwards Open, Cross (double)

Nate K-G Combo 44
Open, Cross (double) / Crossed Stall (between the legs) / Backwards Cross / Backwards Open, Cross (double) / Backwards Open

See all 10 combos

Cross, Open

Catch Combo 4
Backwards Swing, Cross (double) / LeeMan Catch / Cross, Open (double) / Swing, Open (double)

Stall Combo 3
Mic Release / Stall (between the legs) / Backwards Cross, Open (double)

Nate K-G Combo 14
Caboose / Caboose (Open) / Caboose / Backwards Cross, Open (double)

See all 6 combos

Cross, Cross

Doubles Combo 1
Open, Open / Open, Cross / Cross, Cross / Cross, Open / Swing, Cross (left) / Swing, Cross (right)

Doubles Combo 5
Swing, Cross / Cross, Cross / Swing, EB / EB, EB

Nate K-G Combo 47
Swing, Open (double) / Swing, Open (double) / Open, Open (double) / Swing, Cross (double) / Swing, Cross (double) / Cross, Cross (double)

Swing, EB

EB Combo 1
Swing / EB / Swing / Cross / Swing, EB (double) / Swing, Cross (double) / Open

Switch Cross Combo 9
Cross / Switch Toad / Swing, EB (double)

Nate K-G Combo 2
Swing, Toad (double) / Swing, EB (double) / Swing, Cross (double) / Swing, Open (double) / Open, EB Wrap (double) / EB Unwrap 180, Open (double) / Texan 180, Open (double)

See all 8 combos


Triple Unders

Triples are skills where a jumper completes three revolutions of the rope in a single bound. Learn more.

Swing, Swing, Open

Triples Combo 2
Swing, Swing, Open (left) / Swing, Swing, Open (right) / Swing, Swing, Cross (left) / Swing, Swing, Cross (right)

Triples Combo 3
Swing, Swing, Open / Open, Swing, Open / Swing, Swing, Open

Triples Combo 5
Swing, EB, Open / Swing, Swing, Open / Swing, Toad, Open (TJ) / Swing, Swing, Open

Swing, Open, Open

Triples Combo 1
Swing, Cross, Cross / Swing, Cross, Open / Swing, Open, Cross / Swing, Open, Open / (all same side)

Triples Combo 6
Swing, Cross, Cross / Swing, Open, Open / Swing, Toad, Open (TJ) / Swing, Mic, Open

Triples Combo 7
Swing, Cross, Switch Cross (triple) / Swing, Open, Open (triple) / Cross, Switch Cross (double)

Swing, Cross, Open

Triples Combo 1
Swing, Cross, Cross / Swing, Cross, Open / Swing, Open, Cross / Swing, Open, Open / (all same side)

Triples Combo 4
Swing, EB, Open / Swing, Toad, Open (TJ) / Swing, Cross, Open (other side)

Swing, Open, Cross

Triples Combo 1
Swing, Cross, Cross / Swing, Cross, Open / Swing, Open, Cross / Swing, Open, Open / (all same side)

Swing, Cross, Cross

Triples Combo 1
Swing, Cross, Cross / Swing, Cross, Open / Swing, Open, Cross / Swing, Open, Open / (all same side)

Triples Combo 6
Swing, Cross, Cross / Swing, Open, Open / Swing, Toad, Open (TJ) / Swing, Mic, Open

Swing, EB, Open

Triples Combo 4
Swing, EB, Open / Swing, Toad, Open (TJ) / Swing, Cross, Open (other side)

Triples Combo 5
Swing, EB, Open / Swing, Swing, Open / Swing, Toad, Open (TJ) / Swing, Swing, Open


Triples Combo 4
Swing, EB, Open / Swing, Toad, Open (TJ) / Swing, Cross, Open (other side)

Triples Combo 5
Swing, EB, Open / Swing, Swing, Open / Swing, Toad, Open (TJ) / Swing, Swing, Open

Triples Combo 6
Swing, Cross, Cross / Swing, Open, Open / Swing, Toad, Open (TJ) / Swing, Mic, Open


Direction Change

Direction change is where a jumper transitions from jumping forwards to backwards, and vice versa. Learn more.


Mic Combo 4
Mic Release (same side) / 180 to Backwards Open

Turn Combo 1
180 Swing / Backwards Toad

Wrap Combo 3
Backwards EB Swing / Backwards EB Wrap / 180 to EB Unwrap / Forwards Open

See all 31 combos


Inverse Toad Combo 2
Leg Hook 360 / Inverse Toad

Turn Combo 7
Swing 360 / Straddle Stall / Backwards Texan 180 / Forwards Open, Cross (double)

Nate K-G Combo 74
Cross / Switch Cross / Cross Texan 360 / Cross

See all 23 combos

Stall (Contact)

Catch Combo 1
Swing / Foot Catch / Reverse Direction

Wrap Combo 1
Kruger Step-Through Wrap / Unwrap Swing / Toad / Stall / Backwards Open / Backwards Arm Wrap / Unwrap Swing / Backwards Cross

Nate K-G Combo 63
Step-Through Wrap / Stall / Unwrap Step-Through

See all 22 combos

Stall (No Contact)

AS Combo 2
Backwards Swing / Cross / Stall / Forwards AS

Turn Combo 2
Swing 360 / Straddle Stall / Backwards Texan 180 / Forwards Open, Cross (double)

Nate K-G Combo 61
Open, Open (double) / Stall / Backwards Open, Open (double)

See all 36 combos

Backwards (Complete)

EB Combo 5
Backwards Swing / Backwards EB / Backwards EB Swing / Backwards Open / Backwards EB Swing / Backwards Swing

EB Combo 7
Backwards Swing / Backwards EB / Backwards EB Swing / Mic Release (under leg) / Backwards Swing / Backwards Swing / Backwards Swing / Backwards Open

Swings Combo 14
Backwards Texan Swing (right) / Backwards Swing (left) / Backwards Arm Wrap (right) / Unwrap Swing (left) / Backwards Texan Swing (right) / Backwards Swing (left) / Toe Catch

See all 16 combos



Releases are skills where the jumper releases one or both handles for a given length of time. Learn more.

Mic Release

Catch Combo 6
Swing / Cross / Swing / EB / Mic Release / Crossed Foot Catch

EB Combo 3
Mic Release / Swing / EB / 180 to Backwards EB

Mic Combo 1
Mic Release / Open, Cross (double)

See all 50 combos


Floater Combo 1
Toad / Floater / Cross

Floater Combo 4
Kruger / Floater / Kruger (over the top placement) / Swing / Swing / Open

Floater Combo 6
Backwards Leg Hook / Floater Stall / Forwards Toad

See all 7 combos

Handle Pass

Nate K-G Combo 40
Swing (handle pass) / Toad Swing (handle grab) / Open / Stall (under the leg) / Backwards Kruger Gogo / Stall to Forwards Open

Nate K-G Combo 42
Swing / Open / Swing (handle pass) / EB Swing / Swing (handle grab) / Cross

Nate K-G Combo 43
Inverse Toad / Swing (handle pass) / Swing (handle grab) / Open

See all 10 combos



Wraps are skills where the jumper wraps the rope around a body part, usually their wrist or ankle during a cross or a swing. Learn more.

Arm Wrap

Wrap Combo 2
Swing / Arm Wrap / Unwrap Swing / Cross / Arm Wrap / Unwrap Swing 180 / Backwards Open

Wrap Combo 5
Swing / Arm Wrap / Unwrap Swing / Crossed Step-Through / Swing / Open

Nate K-G Combo 11
Swing / Arm Wrap / Unwrap Swing / Toad / Open / Swing / Arm Wrap / Unwrap Swing / T-Toad / Swing / Cross / Open

See all 10 combos

Body Wrap

Nate K-G Combo 59
Horizontal Body Wrap / Unwrap / Open

EB Wrap

Mic Combo 9
Swing / EB / EB Wrap / Unwrap Swing / Mic Release / Swing / EB / Swing, Cross (double) / Swing, EB (double)

Swings Combo 9
Swing / EB Wrap / EB Unwrap / EB Toe Catch

Nate K-G Combo 52
TS / EB Wrap / EB Unwrap 180 / Backwards Leg Hook / Stall / Forwards Inverse Toad

See all 21 combos

Step-Through Wrap

Wrap Combo 1
Kruger Step-Through Wrap / Unwrap Swing / Toad / Stall / Backwards Open / Backwards Arm Wrap / Unwrap Swing / Backwards Cross

Nate K-G Combo 33
Step-Through Wrap / Unwrap Swing / Toad Swing / Open

Nate K-G Combo 63
Step-Through Wrap / Stall / Unwrap Step-Through

Toad Wrap

Wrap Combo 6
Swing, EB Toad (double) / Toad Swing, Toad Wrap (double) / Unwrap Swing / Step-Through / Swing / Swing / Open

Nate K-G Combo 4
Toad / Toad Wrap / Unwrap Swing / Toad Swing / EB Toad / EB Swing / Open

Leg Over Wrap

Caboose Combo 4
Leg Over / Leg Over Wrap / Unwrap Swing / Toad / Caboose / Backwards Open, Cross (double) / Stall, Forwards Open (double)

Wrap Combo 7
Leg Over / Leg Over Wrap / Unwrap (No Swing) / Cross / Open

Nate K-G Combo 37
Leg Over / Mic Release (in the Leg Over placement) / Leg Over (other side) / Leg Over Wrap / Unwrap Swing / Toad / Open

See all 7 combos

EB Toad Wrap

Wrap Combo 17
Swing / EB Wrap / EB Unwrap Swing / EB Toad / EB Toad Wrap / Unwrap Swing / Awesome Annie to Leg Over / Toad (same leg)

Wrap Combo 18
Swing / EB Toad / EB Toad Wrap / Unwrap Swing / Step Through Release

Wrap Combo 20
Mic Release / Toad Swing / EB Toad Wrap / Unwrap Swing / Awesome Annie to Leg Over Release

See all 6 combos