How to adjust your beaded rope
Learn how to adjust your PVC rope by watching the video above or clicking on the steps below.
Step 1
Untie the knot at the end then remove the washer and handle.
Step 2
Once you know how much shorter you would like your rope to be (for example 5 inches), remove that many beads (one bead per inch) from your rope.
Step 3
Reapply the handle and washer. Before you tie the knot, push all the beads to one end and make sure there’s roughly 6 inches between the last bead and that handle, and then retie the knot.
Step 4
When you’re happy with the new size, cut the end of the cord and use a lighter to singe it so it doesn’t fray.
If you cut the cord too short or it frayed due to blunt scissors, you can get a replacement here below.